Allamanda: characteristics of species and care at home

HomeAll flowers that start with AAllamanda: characteristics of species and care at home

Allamanda (Allamanda) belongs to the Kutrovye family. The plant is native to tropical America. Spectacular vine with leathery leaves up to 3 m tall.

The flowers are large, tubular, golden yellow, bright yellow or orange. Some species have pink flowers. They bloom on the very tops of the shoots, rather large funnel-shaped, up to 6 cm long.

The allamanda plant blooms all summer, starting in May and ending in September. However, depending on the varieties of the plant, as well as the peculiarities of caring for it, the flowering time may shift, change or stretch.

Indoor plants allamanda yellow terry and laxative

The genus Allamanda includes about fifteen subspecies of evergreen shrubs and vines.

Allamanda yellow is the most common type of this plant. The shrub reaches a height of 90 cm, characterized by drooping climbing shoots.

The plant is also known as allamanda yellow terry, which is due to the velvety surface of the flowers. The leaves are short-petiolate, pointed, have an elliptical shape, their length reaches up to 12 cm. They are dark green above, several shades lighter below. The flowers of Allamanda yellow terry are located on long pedicels.

See how the allamanda indoor flowering plant looks in the photo below:

Another popular houseplant is allamanda laxative. Perhaps this is the most common species of this family. It is a climbing plant up to 6 m high. Allamanda laxative flowers are yellow-golden in color with a white base, collected in the apical part of the shoot. Her leaves are quite large, ovate-elongated in shape, can reach up to 14 cm in length and 2-4 cm in width.

In indoor floriculture, other types are also used, such as:

Allamanda noble (A. nobilis) .

Allamanda large-flowered (A. grandiflora) .

Allamanda oleandroleaf (A. neriifolia) .

Allamanda purple (A.violacea) .

Allamanda Henderson (A. Hendersonii) .

Allamanda Schotta (A. schottii) .

Allamanda plant care at home

Allamanda is quite demanding on the conditions of its habitat, the only way it will delight flower growers with lush flowering and lush greenery. She needs bright sunlight, the plant is not afraid of even direct sunlight. It is thermophilic, in winter it must be kept at a temperature not lower than 14-18 ° C, and in summer the air temperature in the room should not be higher than 22 ° C. The ideal place for the location of the indoor flower will be windows facing south, southeast and southwest. Allamanda is afraid of drafts, so it is important to protect the plant from them.

High air humidity is required, 60-70% is optimal, it will create good conditions for the growth and development of lianas or shrubs. To increase the humidity, it is advisable to spray the plant often with settled water. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to get water on the flowers. Peat or drainage will help to maintain the optimal level of soil moisture for a longer time if you put a flower pot on them. The substrate should be loose, from leafy soil, humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1:1.

When caring for an allamanda plant at home, it is important to provide it with abundant watering in the warm season, and reduce it in winter. In winter, allamanda should be watered so that the topsoil has time to dry out between waterings. The soil should never dry out. For good growth and development, top dressing in spring and summer is required twice a month with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Be sure to carry out pruning, which is necessary in order for the allamanda to grow well and bloom. This must be done in November, be sure to use gloves, as the plant’s sap is poisonous. Shoots are cut to half their length above the leaf nodes. The stems of the creeper are not strong enough, so it is better to tie them to a support.

At a young age, allamanda care also consists of an annual transplant, which is carried out in the spring. During this period, adult plants can also be transplanted, but this should not be done annually, it is enough to transplant once every two to three years.

Allamanda breeding methods

Reproduction of the plant is carried out in two ways – by stem cuttings using phytohormones at a temperature of 25 ° C, and by seeds. When choosing the second method of plant propagation, the seeds are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate before planting in the ground. After the seeds are sown in a moist substrate, they should be covered with a film on top, creating a greenhouse effect. It is important that the temperature does not fall below 25 degrees, so the seeds should be kept for 6 weeks before the first shoots appear. The greenhouse needs to be ventilated and moistened every day.

When propagating allamanda by cuttings, it is necessary to choose the right shoots. They must be covered with lignified bark. The ideal length of stem cuttings for allamanda propagation is 8-10 cm. Before planting, the cut is treated with succinic acid or zircon. The cuttings are planted in a greenhouse for rooting, when the plant takes root, it can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Possible Problems When Growing Allamanda

In the absence of proper care, the plant can get sick. Often, novice flower growers complain that the allamanda has turned yellow, its leaves have twisted or become brown. Such changes in appearance indicate that the flower has been excessively moistened or subjected to hypothermia.

In the case when the leaves become too pale and the shoots are elongated, the plant grows slowly and does not bloom very abundantly, most likely it lacks light and nutrients.

Another possible problem when growing allamanda is the blackening of the base of the stem, this disease is known as “black leg”, which also indicates abundant watering and insufficient lighting.

This graceful flowering ornamental plant is often used in landscape design for vertical gardening. It is mainly grown in winter gardens and greenhouses.

Given that the allamanda houseplant is quite capricious and finicky, it is not recommended for growing beginners in floriculture. Only experienced gardeners can grow a beautiful and healthier plant.

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