Ageratum: sowing seeds and growing seedlings

HomeDirectory of a summer residentAgeratum: sowing seeds and growing seedlings

Ageratum is a tropical plant, so it loves warmth and a sufficient amount of moisture. However, despite this, it feels quite comfortable in the middle lane, provided that it is provided with proper care and proper sowing.

Growing ageratum as a perennial plant, which it is in the wild, is impossible in a garden. But any grower can grow a beautifully flowering annual plant , since the ageratum quite successfully forms high-quality seeds in a temperate climate. They germinate well and make it possible to plant already grown seedlings in the ground after the final arrival of spring.

Sowing seeds of ageratum for seedlings in February

Before proceeding directly to sowing the ageratum for seedlings, it is necessary to determine the optimal timing for placing seeds in the ground. These terms are calculated individually, based on the exact time you want to get flowering seedlings ready for planting in the ground.

When to sow the ageratum for seedlings so that it turns out strong and beautiful? Experts recommend sowing plant seeds in mid-March, in extreme cases, you can wait until the first decade of April. Sowing ageratum for seedlings in February will allow you to get flowering plants in early to mid-May.

It is important to keep track of exactly how many seeds fall on one “seat”, since they are very small and it is quite difficult to keep track of this indicator. It is estimated that in one gram of seed material there are about six to seven thousand seeds. Too dense planting of seeds will lead to the fact that the bushes of the seedlings of the ageratum will be too thick and will have to be thinned out, which is not always painless for the sprouts.

When choosing soil for planting ageratum seedlings, special attention should be paid to its acidity. This indicator should be in the range of 5.5 to 6.2.

Before sowing ageratum seeds for seedlings, the substrate must be moistened. This will help create a favorable environment for germination. However, it is still not worth it to fill the soil with water too abundantly.

It is convenient to plant seeds in separate small cells, for example, in “stencils” from eggs, as this greatly simplifies the process of thinning seedlings. However, they can also be sown in general containers of shallow depth. Do not bury the planting material too deeply, it will be enough just to lightly crush it with earth.

The video below will help you better understand how to sow ageratum for seedlings:

Planting an ageratum for seedlings: stages of growth

At the first stage, which lasts 2-3 days, the seeds germinate. So that this process does not drag out, the soil temperature should be in the range of 22-26 degrees, and the humidity should be 95-97%. In this case, lighting does not play any role.

The second stage lasts 7 days, during which time the cotyledons of the seedlings unfold and the roots actively develop. During this period, acceptable temperatures for seedlings are 20-24 degrees. At this stage, the main role is given to substrate moisture and plant nutrition with nitrogen and potassium fertilizers , which must be alternated with a three-day interval.

The third stage of growing seedlings of ageratum lasts 5-11 days, and upon its completion, the third leaf appears. The substrate temperature can now be reduced to 20 degrees during the day and at least 14 at night. Soil moisture is still of paramount importance. The lack of moisture can be determined by compaction of the bases of the stems. Also at this stage, the level of illumination of plants comes to the fore.

The onset of the fourth stage of growth is marked by the formation of 2-3 pairs of true leaves. At this point, the cell should be completely filled with roots. The temperature should be between 19-21 degrees. Seedlings need top dressing 1 time in 5 days.

Now you can transplant plants into planting pots , with a diameter of 10-12 centimeters at least. The flowering period occurs approximately 60-65 days after sowing the seeds. It is recommended to keep seedlings in a greenhouse until the first inflorescence is fully opened, and only then can it be transplanted into open ground.

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