Zygopetalum or zygopetalum (Zigopetalum): care, flower description and photo

HomeAll flowers that start with ZZygopetalum or zygopetalum (Zigopetalum): care, flower description and photo

Zigopetalum, or zigopetalum (Zigopetalum) – a genus of epiphytic, or terrestrial flowering plants of the orchid family, growing in the tropical forests of South and Central America. A number of natural species and numerous hybrids are used in room culture .

  • Family: orchid.
  • Origin: South and Central America.
  • Rhizome: roots are thick, whitish.
  • Stem: short shoots with large pseudobulbs.
  • Leaves: folded, long.
  • Fruit: box.
  • Reproductive ability: reproduces by dividing pseudobulbs.
  • Illumination: shade-tolerant.
  • Watering: moderate.
  • Content temperature: 16 – 24 ° C during the day, about 14 ° C at night.
  • Flowering time: up to 2 months in autumn and early winter.

General information about the Zygopetalum orchid and photo

Zygopetalum orchids belong to the sympodial type, have short shoots thickened at the base – special storage organs of the pseudobulb, oval, 6-7 cm in diameter, with 2-3 leaves at the top.

Zygopetalum in the photo

The leaves are folded, linear-lanceolate, up to 50 cm long, with distinct veins. A straight peduncle up to 50 cm high appears at the base of the last year’s pseudobulb, bears from 5 to 12 flowers up to 7 cm in diameter with a strong pleasant smell reminiscent of narcissus .

Zygopetalum brachypetalum pictured

Zygopetalum crinitum pictured

Zygopetalum maculatum pictured

Zygopetalum maxillare in the photo

Zygopetalum microphytum pictured

Zygopetalum pabstii pictured

Zygopetalum pedicellatum in the photo

Zygopetalum reginae pictured

Zygopetalum sellowii pictured

Zygopetalum silvanum pictured

Zygopetalum sincoranum pictured

Zygopetalum triste pictured

Zygopetalum flowers are spaced apart, have lanceolate petals and sepals, yellow-green, covered with brown-red spots and stripes, and a wide spatulate lip with a wavy edge, white, with radially arranged purple-purple stripes and spots. In pot culture, mainly hybrids are grown that are better adapted to home conditions .

Zygopetalum Care

Orchids of this group are average in terms of the complexity of growing. They require a moderately warm content, in summer – from 20 to 22 C, in winter – from 10 to 20 C, and the obligatory presence of a difference of 2-4 C between day and night temperatures. In summer, until the night is not lower than 15 C, the flower can be taken out into the open air, in a place protected from the sun, wind and rain, the natural difference between night and day temperatures has a beneficial effect on flowering in the future.

The plant does not tolerate direct sun, in summer it develops better on eastern and even northern windows, in winter, with a lack of lighting, it can be transferred to a southern window, shading from direct sun. It responds well to artificial lighting, the more intense it is, the more abundant the flowering.

The flower is not picky about air humidity, 40 – 60% is enough for normal development. In case of excessive dryness, the pot is placed on a expanded clay pan filled with water, or a humidifier is used. Spraying zygopetalum is not recommended.

The plant is watered abundantly with warm (30-40 C) settled water, during flowering and active growth – once a week, after the soil becomes almost dry, during the dormant period – after complete drying. Water stagnation is unacceptable.

They are fed with liquid complex flower fertilizer in a low concentration, during the period of growth and flowering – once every 2 weeks, in winter – once a month.

Transplanted only if necessary, no more than 1 time in 3 years. They do this in March-April, using plastic pots or planters with good drainage from expanded clay and foam. The substrate is made up of pine bark, peat, charcoal, sod land and sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1: 0.5, or even just bark and charcoal.

When all recommendations for care are followed, the zigopetalum can bloom several times a year, usually from August to February for 40-60 days. Cut flowers stay fresh for up to a month.

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