Venidium or African chamomile

HomeAll flowers that start with AVenidium or African chamomile

Venidium (lat. Venidium ) from the Aster family is a flower of exotic origin. The homeland of the plant is Africa, which is why Venidium has a second name – African chamomile. Most often, for planting and care in the open ground of the middle lane, a venidum of the Lush type is used. As a pot culture, Venidum marigold is popular.


Venidium has a strongly branched, strong rhizome lying near the surface of the earth. The stems are straight, fleshy, covered with stiff short hairs. The height of the bush is 60 – 80 cm. The leaves are alternately arranged, dissected or divided into several lobes, have a fleecy surface. The color of the leaf plates is rich green.

Peduncles burgundy or brown. Inflorescences – baskets with a tubular dark, almost black center and narrow elongated petals pointed at the end of white, bright yellow, pink, orange colors. The base of the petals has a burgundy or dark brown color. The diameter of the basket is 11 – 14 cm.

Venidium flowering can be observed throughout the summer season until snow falls. When the plant fades, fruits remain on it – winged achenes. After full ripening, the fruits burst, after which the seeds are scattered and carried away by the wind to a remote distance from the mother bush.

Species and varieties

Venidium lush ( Venidium fastuosum ). A variety common in many countries, which is a sprawling bush 70–80 cm high with large baskets 12 cm in diameter. The central part of the flowers is dark brown, the petals can be snow-white and intense yellow. African chamomile flowers are very long cut.

Based on this species, the following varieties were bred:

“Prince Zulu” – a plant up to 70 cm high, with straight strong stems and dissected dark green foliage. Inflorescences are white, with a brown center. The base of the petals is purple-orange. This variety blooms for 4 – 5 months, starting from the first summer days.

“Amaretto” is a beautiful variety with a height of 80 cm. Along the entire length of the stem there is a dissected dark green foliage with a small pile in the upper part. The inflorescences are large, expressive, reminiscent of a sunflower. The petals are intense yellow, almost orange, with a purple base. The central part is dark brown. Flowering begins in June, lasts until the beginning of autumn.

“Orange” – a hybrid variety with straight, fleshy stems, densely covered with paired, pubescent, rich green foliage. The flowers are orange, with a dark central part. The base of the petals is burgundy. Flowering continues from June to mid-September.

“White” – a lush bush 60 – 70 cm high. It consists of straight branching stems and pinnately dissected dark green foliage. The baskets are large, 11 cm in diameter. The petals are white, with purple strokes. The center of the flower is dark brown. The time of flowering of this culture comes in the first half of June, lasts until October.

Marigold Venidium ( Venidium calendulaceum ). A low-growing variety that resembles calendula. The diameter of the inflorescences is 4 – 5 cm. The petals are yellow-orange, their central part is black-brown. Used as a pot culture. Blooms from mid-summer to September.

Reproduction by seeds

African chamomile is grown from seeds. Some gardeners immediately plant seed in open ground, others prefer to grow seedlings first. The first option is suitable for regions with a warm climate. When used in mid-latitudes, flowering will take place with a delay of a month.

Planting seeds on the site in the southern regions should be carried out immediately after the snow melts. In the conditions of the middle lane, it is necessary to plant a venidum in April, when stable warm weather is established. The earth is dug up, a ridge is made, the seeds are buried by 1 cm, leaving a distance of 20 cm between them. From above, the crops are covered with a layer of soil.

When growing venidum seedlings from seeds, small pots or plastic cups filled with a mixture of peat and sand will be required. 1-2 seeds should be planted in one container.

If the seeds are sown in one wide container, you need to leave a distance between them equal to 7 cm. This will help to avoid picking, which this crop tolerates rather painfully and recovers after it for a long time.

After sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with a layer of earth, sprayed from a sprayer. The containers are covered with cling film to create a suitable climate for seed germination. Keep in a room with a temperature of 18 – 20 degrees on the south window, so that the seeds germinate quickly and successfully. It is important to ventilate the crops daily and moisten the soil as it dries.

Sprouts in good conditions will appear within 1.5 – 2 weeks. Care in the form of airing and watering should be continued, but the sprouts should be kept open longer than before. Grown plants are hardened for 10 days before planting in the garden. Planted in open ground in the second half of May.

Transplantation is carried out by transshipment, leaving the plant with an earthen lump. The distance between seedlings should be 30 cm.


  • Location. Venidium should be planted in a well-lit sunny area. The lack of light negatively affects the decorativeness of the bush. In a rainy summer, constantly being in the shade, the plant will quickly rot.
  • The soil. Loose, slightly acidic, drained substrates rich in nutrients are suitable for growing this flower.
  • Watering. Proper watering contributes to the full development of this plant, abundant flowering and the formation of bright foliage. You need to irrigate the bushes often, but moderately, paying special attention to water procedures on hot dry days. The next irrigation should be carried out only after the soil has dried. It is important to remember that excess moisture negatively affects the condition of the plant and leads to its decay. For irrigation, it is recommended to take settled or rain water.
  • Topdressing. Despite the fact that an unpretentious flower extracts nutrients from the soil in which it grows, for abundant flowering, the formation of large baskets and the brightness of foliage, it should be fed 2 to 3 times per season with mineral fertilizers. Foliage regularly needs to be trimmed a little, as it takes a lot of nutrients from the plant, which negatively affects flowering.
  • Other activities. In addition to watering, when caring for African chamomile, procedures such as loosening the soil and weeding should not be neglected. This allows oxygen to freely penetrate to the roots and remove weeds, which take valuable substances from the plant.
  • Tie and trim. Medium-sized and tall varieties require garters, as the stems, when exposed to gusty winds, tend to the ground or break. Faded baskets are cut off at the very base in a timely manner, then new flowers will form in their place.
  • Diseases and pests. Venidium is highly resistant to various diseases. However, with excessive watering, the plant can be affected by root rot, powdery mildew and rust. For this reason, it is important to properly adjust watering, taking into account the above recommendations. Affected specimens are treated with fungicides. If the disease has completely affected the flower, it should be dug up and destroyed so that the disease does not pass to neighboring plants.

The most common pest of this crop is aphids. The insect can completely cover the stems of the plant. At the same time, the leaf plates gradually dry out and curl. The bush loses its attractiveness, withers. To combat this parasite, you need to use insecticides.

Application in the garden

Many varieties of venidium are widely used in landscape design. African chamomile is used to decorate various parts of the garden. This flower is planted in flower beds, combining with other bright plants. This culture is also used for urban landscaping: in alleys, parks, city flower beds.

With the help of these plants, you can create a beautiful original flower arrangement on the site. In the empty corners of the garden, African chamomile is planted in whole groups. Petunias, nasturtiums, daylilies, delphinums, marigolds, godetias are suitable as neighbors.

The photo shows how flowerbeds with venidium flowers look original:

Low-growing varieties are bred in pots and used to decorate balconies, loggias, arbors, and recreation areas. In addition, this flower is ideal for cutting. Plants stand in vases for a long time without losing their beauty.

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