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Chrysalidocarpus: description of varieties and care

Chrysalidocarpus (Chrysalidocarpus) - Plant family: Palms. Homeland - Madagascar and the Comoros. Chrysalidocarpus - a palm tree of the Arecaceae family, widespread in room culture....

Cycas flower: description and photo

The genus Cycas (Cycas) or Cycad belongs to the Zamie family. Plants are common in the tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere (India, the Pacific...

Date Palm: description and cultivation at home

The date palm plant is one of the oldest on the planet. In areas where these trees are actively cultivated, dates are not only...

Dracaena (Dracaena) – indoor flower in the form of a palm tree

Dracaena (Dracaena) is a genus of trees and succulent shrubs of the asparagus family (Asparagaceae), naturally grows mainly in the tropics of Africa and...

Dracaena bordered (Dracaena Marginata) or marginata: flower description and photo

Bordered dracaena ( Dracaena marginata) , another name - dracaena marginata - a variety of bent dracaena (D. reflexa) from the dracaena family, one...

Dracaena sanderiana (Dracaena sanderiana): care and reproduction

Dracaena sanderiana (Dracaena sanderiana) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the genus Dracaena , as an indoor crop, has long been grown in China...

Drooping cycad plant

Department: cycads (Cycadophyta). Class: cycads (Cycadopsida). Order: cycads (Cycadales). Family: cycads (Cycadaceae). Genus: cycad (Cycas). Species: drooping cycad (C. revoluta). The cycad plant has a limited natural habitat. In nature,...

Hovea: description and growing conditions

Howea palm, along with chamedorea and date palm, is a frequent visitor to home greenhouses. Its large-pinnate leaves can decorate both a winter garden...

Indoor Ficuses

Indoor ficuses have long been used for landscaping interiors. These are unpretentious plants that can withstand shading, and are not particularly demanding on the...

Indoor palm and its types

Palm tree - for most people it is a symbol of well-being and a source of special pride. Slender and majestic at the same...

Indoor palm plants: names of home palms and their photos

Palm trees are houseplants that play an important role in floral interior design. They come in different sizes and with different leaf shapes, expensive...

Liviston palm: popular species, growing from seeds

A plant called Livistona (Livistona) belongs to the Palm or Arekov family. Under natural conditions, it grows in the tropics of Asia and Australia....

Neantha beautiful (Neanthe Bella) is an indoor palm tree

Plant type: palm. Description: This is a well-known houseplant that is easy to care for. Despite the fact that the palm family is very large,...

Pandanus: types and care at home

The houseplant pandanus or spiral pine requires a lot of space. Some of its species are similar to palm trees, therefore, when caring for...

Rapis: types of domestic palm trees and their care

Rapis (Rhapis) is a plant from the Palm family. Homeland - China, Japan. The name of this plant comes from the word "rhapis", which...

Sabal: palm tree features and care

Sabal (Sabal) - a plant from the Palm family. It grows in warm areas of America (including the West Indies). There are about 25 species...

Trachycarpus palm: what it looks like and how to care

Palm trachycarpus is considered one of the most adapted for growing in urban apartments. In nature, these plants reach a height of 5-7 meters,...

Washingtonia robusta: indoor palm

Plant type: palm. Description: Washingtonia robusta (powerful Washingtonia) is used as a houseplant, as well as for landscaping offices and halls. The leaves of...

Yucca (Yucca) – care and cultivation of palm trees in the open field

Plant type: perennial. Description: These flowers are considered hardy perennials that can reach a height of 30 cm to 2.5 m. They have very thick...
Wednesday, November 8, 2023