Tacca (“bat”) plant

In indoor floriculture, there are not so many plants with black flowers, one of them is Tacca. These flowers cannot boast of a completely black color either, but very dark, deep shades of purple or dark brown against the background of shiny green leaves look even more spectacular. The shape of the flowers, or rather the inflorescences located at the top of a long peduncle, is also very unusual.

The homeland of the takka plant is the tropical forests of the Old World (India, the islands of Sumatra, Borneo and Java). Takku is often called the “bat” because its inflorescences resemble the wings of this tropical bat. In the collections of amateur flower growers, you can find a whole-leaved takka, which is called the “white bat” for its snow-white leaves, the Chantrier takka or the “black takka”.

Takka flowers: types and their photos

Whole-leaved tacca (Tacca integrifolia) is a herbaceous plant up to 70 cm high with large shiny leaves and surprisingly beautiful inflorescences, which are formed by small bell-shaped flowers located on short pedicels, similar to buttons (6-10 pieces), collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence and surrounded by four covering sheets.

The photo of the tacca shows that the outer “veils” are large, white, outstretched like wings.

The special charm of the inflorescence is given by long (about 10 cm) filamentous appendages, which are sterile pedicels.

Tacca chantrieri flowers have almost black inflorescences, they most of all resemble a bat.

Takka care at home

For a native of tropical rainforests, you will have to create a warm, humid climate and homes. Lighting should be bright, but diffused. Watering should be plentiful and regular. When caring for takka at home, special attention should be paid to the size of the pot, it should not be excessively large, since water will stagnate with abundant watering, which can lead to rotting of the roots. In order not to spray the plant twice a day, it is better to put the pot on a tray of wet gravel or use a household humidifier.

The temperature even in winter should not fall below +18 °C. Top dressing is done monthly with special fertilizers for orchids. Takka is transplanted in early spring every 2-3 years, using a soil mixture with the obligatory addition of semi-decayed leaves, peat and foam balls. Plants are propagated by division of the rhizome.

Takku is called the “white bat” for the spectacular leaves of the “bedspread” of white color, similar to outstretched wings.

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