Shiverekia (Schivereckia) – a flower from the Red Book

HomeAll flowers that start with WShiverekia (Schivereckia) - a flower from the Red Book

Plant type: perennial.

Description: Shiverekia flower reaches a height of 5 to 30 cm. It belongs to the cruciferous family. In total, there are about 18 species in the genus.

  • Origin: Moldova, Romania, Russia.
  • Flowering: This plant has white flowers and blooms in April, May, June and July.
  • Stem type: creeping.
  • Care: easy.
  • Lighting: full sun.
  • Toxicity: no.

Temperature regime: the flower is distinguished by the fact that it is resistant to low temperatures.

Soil Type: Sandy or loam, alkaline soil works best. The soil must be well drained. In order to improve soil drainage, add coarse sand. It is desirable that the soil contains lime.

Watering: The soil should be moderately moist to dry. You can use rainwater for irrigation, but you need to be careful, as it may contain harmful acids.

Reproduction: carried out by planting seeds or division.

Application: perfect for growing in stone gardens. Shiverekia Podolskaya is very popular.

Additionally: this flower is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

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