Reproduction and cultivation of bathing suits

HomeGarden FlowersReproduction and cultivation of bathing suits

When cultivating bathing suits, planting and care do not require much effort, however, in order for the bushes to develop well and bloom profusely, it is necessary to remember some of their biological features.

All species are not demanding on the composition of the soil, they prefer humus-rich, light loams and semi-loams, with acidity close to neutral, but successfully develop on poor sandy soils. The only condition is the absence of groundwater stagnation, which is not tolerated not only by drought-resistant (Altai, Dzhungar), but also by moisture-loving representatives of the genus.

Planting a bathing suit and choosing a suitable place

It is better to choose a place for planting in partial shade, but with regular watering, bathing suits develop well in illuminated areas. Plants are durable, they grow in one place for 10 years or more, therefore, before planting, the soil is carefully cultivated, removing the rhizomes of perennial weeds. To improve soil structure, planting holes are filled with a mixture of earth and peat or compost. The optimal distance between the bushes is 40-45 cm.

With the right location and the right fit for a bathing suit, growing and caring for it is fairly easy.

Plants are regularly weeded, loosened not deep, at a distance of less than 10 cm from the trunks – no deeper than 3-5 cm, given that below is most of the surface roots that can be easily damaged.

Most species in dry weather are regularly watered until autumn. For better development, nitrogen fertilization is introduced in the spring, and fertilized with superphosphate and ash in the fall. A good effect is obtained by constantly adding soil rich in humus to the base of the stems. An important element of care is mulching, which helps prevent weeds and retain soil moisture.

The aerial part of the swimsuit dies off in September-October, only after that the leaves and stems are cut off. Earlier pruning weakens the renewal buds, which will develop into flowering shoots the next year.

All species are cold-resistant, can winter without shelter.

Types of breeding bathing suits

For breeding bathing suits use the division of bushes and sowing seeds. Bushes can be divided in the spring before flowering, but it is better to do this in the fall, in August-September, so that the divisions have time to take root before winter. When planting, the root collar should be 2 cm below the soil surface, young plants must be mulched. It must be remembered that the root system of seedlings dries up quickly, so planting holes must be prepared in advance.

When growing bathing suits from seeds, sowing is done in the fall, immediately after harvest, in the future they quickly lose their germination capacity. Seedlings that appear in spring are few and develop very slowly. If spring sowing is necessary, the seeds are stratified for 3-4 months at 2-4 °C. Bathing suits that bloom in the middle of summer (Chinese, Ledebour, Rider) can be planted in the spring without stratification, their friendly seedlings will appear by mid-May.

Bathing suit care after boarding

Young plants are shaded and regularly watered abundantly. They dive in the presence of a second true leaf, leaving 8-10 cm between seedlings. They are transplanted to a permanent place in the spring of next year.

Some types of swimwear (European, Jungar, Ledebour) bloom the next year after planting, but at first they give only one peduncle with a single flower. In the future, as the curtain grows, the number of peduncles and the number of flowers on one shoot increase. With good care, a European swimsuit can form up to 10-20 buds on a bush, and an Asian swimsuit – up to 40 buds at a time.

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