Protection of perennial flowers from diseases and pests

HomeDirectory of a summer residentProtection of perennial flowers from diseases and pests

Protecting flowers from pests and diseases is a top priority for every florist . It is necessary to fight these misfortunes both in order for the flower beds to retain their decorative effect , and in order to protect the entire garden from the spread of infections. After all, spores of diseases and larvae of flower pests, with the connivance of gardeners, can move to fruit crops, and then there will be a threat of death of all crops on the site.

Flower crops grown with great love often get sick and are colonized by various pests that damage flowers, leaves, stems and roots, and sometimes get sick. To grow healthy, full-fledged plants, it is necessary to minimize the risk of damage to flowers by diseases and pests, to create normal conditions for the development of crops.

Timely and correct measures to combat diseases and pests of flowering plants preserve the decorative qualities of crops and prevent their death. A great effect is given by preventive measures, which consist in strict observance of agrotechnical rules.

Weakened plants growing in poor conditions are more likely to be affected by diseases and attacked by pests.

Treating seeds and rhizomes, treating them with growth stimulants , planting healthy and disease-resistant flowers, timely removal of weeds, proper plant care will allow you to admire the impeccable beauty of flowers.

How to treat powdery mildew flower disease

Powdery mildew is a disease of ornamental plants characterized by the fact that a white, ashy or grayish coating forms on the surface of the affected organs. In some cases, it subsequently turns brown.

As you can see in the photo, this flower disease first causes a slight coating in the form of separate whitish spots.

Gradually, the plaque grows, becomes more noticeable and spreads in a continuous mass over the surface of the affected organ or the entire plant. On the leaves, the plaque is most pronounced on the upper side of the blade, but sometimes it is clearly visible on its lower side.

The causative agent of the disease is a fungus. There are several types of them. They can develop not only in rainy weather, but also at a relative humidity of 70% or lower.

Of the flowering plants, powdery mildew is more often affected : phloxes , roses , chrysanthemums , dahlias , asters (Septembers), levkoy, lupins, geraniums , calendula , peonies , tobacco , poppy , delphinium , etc.

To treat this disease of flowers, you must:

  • cut plants in the fall, remove and destroy the affected parts of crops;
  • in autumn or early spring, after pruning the affected shoots and harvesting fallen leaves, spraying perennial plants (in a leafless state) with 1-2% iron or copper sulphate. If the plants overwinter with green leaves, then they are sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid;
  • during the growing season, excluding flowering time, as signs of the disease appear, the plants are sprayed with “Topaz” or “Soon”. Good results in the treatment of flowers for diseases are given by Fundazol and Raek. The preparations should be alternated and water-soluble fertilizers should be added to the working solutions for simultaneous foliar feeding.

Flower leaf disease rust and remedies to combat it

Rust is a disease of flowering plants that affects many crops. In some, only leaves get sick, in others, leaves, shoots and flowers.

On the affected parts of plants, small pads appear, the color of which is diverse. These are pustules with spores of the fungus that causes rust.

With a strong development of this leaf disease, pustules can occupy most of the surface of the affected plant organ. The tissue around the pustules becomes pale green, yellow, or brown. Rust causes premature fall of leaves, deformation of stems, shoots and fruits, with a strong development of the disease, plants die.

Among flowering plants, mallow and carnation are especially hard hit. Rust resistant white phlox.

In the process of how to treat this flower disease, you must:

  • maximum use of rust-resistant species and varieties of flowering plants;
  • pruning of affected shoots, cleaning of fallen leaves and other residues with their subsequent burning;
  • preventive spraying of Abiga-Peak or any other copper-containing preparation (1% Bordeaux liquid, Ordan, Hom, copper oxychloride, etc.) in the first days of growth of flower plants that were sick last year. During the growing season, when signs of rust appear, repeat the treatment, alternating preparations;
  • in top dressing, use fertilizers containing a high percentage of potassium, which increases the resistance of plants to rust.

Disease of garden flowers gray rot and the fight against the disease

Gray rot is a disease of flowers and plants without peduncles, caused by microscopic fungi and affects the aboveground and underground organs of many flowering plants. The disease can be detected during any growing season, but is more often observed in the second half of summer.

Pay attention to the photo – this flower disease is characterized by browning of the tissue of the affected plants, their softening and decay, with the formation on the surface, especially at high humidity, of a gray thick coating consisting of mycelium and sporulation of the fungus.

The appearance of gray plaque on the affected plant organs gave reason to call the disease gray rot or gray mold.

Later, small, initially white, later black sclerotia develop in the affected areas, which serve to overwinter the pathogen. The disease can gradually cover the entire plant, as a result of which it dies.

First of all, weakened plants are affected by this disease of perennial flowers, from which the disease can quickly spread throughout the site.

Gray rot affects almost all types of flowers, remaining from year to year on their plant debris. Favorable temperature for the development of the disease is +4…+30°С, and the optimal temperature is +15…+22ᵒС. Dry air inhibits the spread of rot. At high humidity, as well as in dense, poorly ventilated flower beds create conditions for the intensive development and spread of the disease.

From flower plants are affected : tulips , lilies , dahlias, gladioli, lupins, daffodils, peonies, primroses, geraniums, roses, tobacco , chrysanthemums, etc. These plants do not have varieties resistant to gray rot.

Above you can see in the photo of this flower disease and learn about the treatment of the disease.

Measures to combat gray rot should be aimed at creating favorable conditions for plant life and unfavorable for the development of the causative agent of gray rot:

  • creation of good ventilation through sparse planting and sowing, timely thinning of thickened seedlings;
  • when caring for flowers, avoid mechanical damage to leaves, inflorescences and breakage of stems;
  • when watering, do not overmoisten the soil;
  • top dressing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which increase the resistance of plants to rot;
  • regular loosening of the soil;
  • pruning and destruction of the affected branches, stems and other organs of the plant (cut them 5-10 cm below the visible lesion, if the whole plant is diseased, remove it);
  • collection and destruction of plant residues by burning, digging into the soil or composting them, layering them with earth mixed with manure;
  • preventive spraying of plants at intervals of 10-12 days, excluding the flowering period with any copper-containing preparation Abiga-Peak, Oksikhom or Ordan. During the flowering period, when signs of a disease appear, plants can be watered with Profit Gold at the rate of 5 g per 10 liters of water, 0.2 liters of working solution per bush.

Only healthy material should be used for planting. Before planting, treat it with any growth stimulator (Albit, Ecopin, Amulet, etc.), which increases resistance to diseases.

Spotting flower disease: photo disease and plant treatment

Garden flower spot disease is characterized by the death of tissue within small areas of affected leaves and shoots. The most characteristic manifestation of spots is observed on the leaves. Initially, single, barely noticeable spots appear, and later their number and size increase and can cover the entire surface of the sheet. With a strong development of the disease, the leaves dry up and fall off. The shape of the spots can be varied. Their coloration is mostly brown or brown, sometimes with a pronounced border. In some cases, the affected tissue falls out, leaving holes in the leaf blades.

Spotting is caused by fungi, bacteria, adverse environmental conditions, mechanical damage.

The causative agents of infectious blotches (fungi and bacteria) persist on the remains of affected plants, some on seeds and planting material. Spread during the summer in different ways (water, air currents, insects).

From flower plants, chrysanthemums, irises , peonies, lupins, delphiniums , primroses, etc. are affected by spots of fungal and bacterial origin, developing on them in the garden, greenhouses and room conditions.

Control measures:

  • preventive – compliance with the alternation of crops in flower beds, the destruction of the remains of diseased plants and weeds, the fight against insect vectors of pathogens;
  • active – spraying plants with Skorom, Abiga-Peak, Hom, copper oxychloride, copper oxychloride, Ordan or Fundazol.

A certain danger for flower crops, as well as for other plants in the garden, is represented by various tumor-like diseases (cancer, keel), viral (mosaic, jaundice, curliness, growths, etc.).

The main thing when growing healthy plants is a high level of agricultural technology.

Agrotechnics can create conditions under which plants acquire the ability to resist disease damage. And then special measures to combat diseases are carried out as an exception, on a limited scale.

Aphid flower pest and how to treat plants from these insects

The most common insect pest of flowers, affecting almost all flowering plants, is the aphid. It settles in large groups (colonies) on young shoots, leaves, buds, flowers. Sucking out the juice, causes twisting of leaves, ugly development of shoots and flowers. Plants lose their decorative effect, the period of their flowering is reduced. In the absence of timely pest control, plant growth stops and their premature death is often observed.

Aphids have a green, slightly yellowish color. Some species of them are covered with wax secretions in the form of pollen or fluff.

Look at the photo of these pests of flowers – they are small insects from 0.1 to 0.7 mm ovoid, oval or oblong in shape with a soft outer cover, some with two pairs of transparent wings.

Many species of aphids secrete honeydew, which contaminates plant leaves and attracts ants. The presence of the latter on plants indicates the presence of aphids.

As sucking insects, aphids are the main carrier of plant viral diseases.

The development of one generation of aphids in summer ends within 7-9 days. During the growing season, the pest can give up to 15-17 generations. Some generations of aphids move from one plant to another.

The number of this pest in the garden usually increases in June, and it harms flowering plants until the end of summer. Eggs hibernate on plant remains of flowers or trees and shrubs.

How to treat flowers from these pests at the first sign of damage? It is necessary to spray the plants with one of the preparations: Bison, Tanrek, Alatpar, Biotplin, Fufanon, Aktpellik, Intpa-Vir or Spark Double Effect, Spark Gold, Spark-M, Confidor, Commander (in concentrations strictly according to the instructions). Re-treatment of flowers from pests when restoring the number of aphids – after 10-14 days, alternating pesticides.

With a strong colonization of aphids, it is possible to remove part of the damaged shoots and reduce the proportion of nitrogen fertilizers in top dressing.

The pest of flowers in the garden is the Putin mite and how to deal with it

Spider mite is the most common and dangerous pest of garden flowers, especially when high air temperature is combined with low humidity. It is ubiquitous and inhabits many flower cultures. The size of this tick is so small (0.3-0.5 mm) that it is barely visible to the naked eye.

Ticks damage the leaves from the underside, live there under the cover of the cobwebs they release. This pest of flowers in the garden sucks the juice of plants. Due to damage, a characteristic color of the leaves appears. It becomes, as it were, marbled due to small light spots – tick pricks, the leaves turn yellow, dry out and fall prematurely. Mite colonies are woven with the thinnest cobweb, which makes it difficult to fight this pest.

During the season, the tick gives several generations. Its mass reproduction is observed in years with dry and hot summers. It has been established that the optimum temperature for tick development is +29…+31 °C and air humidity 35-50%. Under such conditions, it breeds continuously throughout the warm period of the year and in the southern region manages to give 12-15 generations. The entire cycle of its development is completed in 7-9 days.

The mite overwinters mainly as adult females under various plant remains, in crevices and cracks in the bark, and under debris. In the spring, the pest reproduces first on weeds, then moves on to cultivated plants.

To protect flowers from these pests, it is necessary to keep flower beds (especially in spring) in a state clean from weeds. Careful cleaning of plant residues and debris is needed. And how can you spray flowers from these pests in order to secure plantings? Fufanon and Iskra-M are especially effective. Also, in a particularly hot period, it is recommended to use “Thiovit Jet” or colloidal sulfur (40 g per 5 liters of water), which acts in pairs. To achieve the desired effect, the treatment must be repeated every 8-10 days.

Beetle pest of garden flowers wireworm and plant treatment products

These are the larvae of click beetles that live in the ground and damage the roots, bulbs, and gnaw through the stems. Distributed everywhere. They cause great damage to many flowering plants.

The body of the larvae is narrow, long, yellow or brown. The beetles are black or brown-brown, with an elongated flat body. The beetles, laid on their backs, are able to jump and roll over, while making a rather loud sound, similar to a click.

The larvae, developing in the soil for several years, feed on the roots of plants. In addition, they eat away the sown seeds, bite into young seedlings. Young plants damaged by wireworms die, and older plants, if they survive, lag behind healthy ones in development, corms often rot. The presence of 10-12 larvae per 1 sq.m is dangerous for flower plants.

Due to the fact that wireworms live in moist soil, they move deeper when it dries up. In spring and during wet summers, they cause harm in the surface layer of the soil.

Some species of click beetles overwinter in the beetle phase, others in the larval phase. The overwintered beetles fly early in the spring, while the overwintered larvae pupate in the spring and the beetles emerge in the summer. Females lay their eggs in the soil, and after 20-40 days, larvae emerge from the eggs, developing within 3-4 years. During this time, they reach 15-25 mm in length and become the most harmful.

A favorite plant of wireworms is wheatgrass, therefore, flower plants cannot be planted on soils from under wheatgrass thickets.

Control measures include the destruction of weeds, especially wheatgrass. The best remedies for these flower pests are Provotoks, Bazudin, Pochin and Zemlin (10 g per 30 sq. M). When planting perennials in infected areas, one of their preparations, mixed with sand, is introduced into the planting holes or along the grooves.

How to spray flowers from thrips, flies and pennits?

Thrips are numerous small (0.5-3.0 mm) insects with an elongated body, living especially often on flowers. They suck the juices from plants, damage the stamens and pistils, disrupting the pollination process. As a result of this, plants lose their decorative effect and do not produce full-fledged seeds; leaves become discolored and ugly.

Thrips live on the underside of the leaf. Adult insects can fly to other plants. Eggs are laid directly on plants. The development of one generation proceeds within 10-15 days. Thrips overwinter under plant debris, under dry scales of stems and in the upper soil layer. Some types of thrips are carriers of viral and bacterial diseases.

How to deal with these pests of flowers in the garden? To protect plants, insecticides are sprayed, the same as against aphids. Treatment should be started when a pest appears, and subsequent treatments should be carried out after 8-10 days, alternating preparations.

Mining flies damage many flower plants. They lay their eggs on leaves. The hatched larvae of the pest eat away the inner tissue of the leaf, forming winding passages that are clearly visible on the leaf. The larvae themselves are white, without legs and head, 3-5 mm long. Pupation occurs inside the mine on the underside of the leaf.

Control measures: spraying plants with insecticidal preparations, the same as for aphids, when damage occurs.

Pennitsa drooling is ubiquitous. Pennitsa is polyphagous and damages various flower perennials. The larvae are yellow-green, with red eyes, and live in frothy secretions on leaves and stems and suck cell sap from plants. Often kept in folded leaves. Due to penny damage, numerous whitish spots appear on the leaves and the leaves curl.

Control measures – as with other pests. If the penny appears in single copies, you can simply crush it with your hands.

Damage to flowering plants:

Delphinium fly.

Common earwig eating flower petals.

Medvedka , gnawing the roots of plants.

Various types of nematodes.

Naked slugs.

Khrushchi .



As well as various types of weevil , eating the edges of the leaves.

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