Orchid pots

In recent years, beautiful and exotic orchids , which everyone heard a lot about 10-15 years ago, but almost no one saw, have become a familiar house plant in pots and winter gardens. But this culture requires special care, and much depends on the right pot, which should be of a special design and preferably from a transparent material.

The plant is not demanding on the material from which the vessel is made, but needs abundant watering and good ventilation. There are special ceramic and plastic vessels for growing orchids . Pots for orchids differ from ordinary products mainly in that they have many additional drainage holes located not only in the bottom of the pot, but also in the lower part of its walls. A rectangular container-shaped or round pot that does not taper to the bottom is best, which will not hamper the constantly developing dense root system.

Plastic pots for orchids – unlike products made from other materials (ceramics, glass), their design feature is the presence on the bottom of the pot of perforated cones of various lengths and heights, facing inward. This design contributes to better penetration of moisture and significantly improves soil ventilation. There are also models of plastic products for orchids with special ribs and legs at the bottom to enhance drainage efficiency.

Ceramic pots for orchids – products have enlarged drainage holes in the bottom and additional ventilation slots and holes in the side walls.

Glass orchid pots

Unlike most indoor plants, in which only terrestrial green parts participate in photosynthesis, the root system is also involved in the process of processing substances in the orchid family. That is why it is recommended to grow plants in pots made of transparent material, which ensures the supply of sufficient light and air for normal growth to the air root system. Glass orchid pots are the best solution that allows you not only to create ideal, comfortable conditions for plants, but also to monitor their development, moisture levels and the state of the root system, which is very important for this crop.

Photo of a pot for orchids

Glass products have design features such as a convex bottom, enlarged drainage and side holes, and special holes for water drainage. They are available in different shapes, sizes and colors, from transparent to those with an embossed pattern that emits broken glass.

Since orchids are plants with a root system that needs a lot of air, they are recommended to be grown in a suspended state and, as a rule, most pots for this culture are produced with special holes or eyes for hanging.

In addition to modern pots and containers, there are also traditional models of vessels designed for growing special types of crops bred in Japan and China.

Chinese pot

The Chinese pot is a ceramic vessel with small legs, shaped like a vase – tall and narrow, and the porous material from which it is made has the property of cooling the root system in the process of water evaporation. Such a vessel was created more than 500 years ago and has a rich history.

Japanese pot

A Japanese pot or Furan is a small, round-shaped earthenware vessel with legs designed for growing miniature varieties of orchids. A very expensive and rare product that is made only in Japan.

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