Lobelia: growing flowers

HomeAll flowers that start with LLobelia: growing flowers

Plant type: herbaceous.

  • Origin: South Africa, America, Australia.
  • Care: Lobelia requires careful care. In some areas with light soils and often near the sea, these plants do not require special care in winter (for example, moving to a warm room).
  • Flowering: present. Lobelia, whose flowers are of extraordinary beauty, have a variety of shades.
  • Light: These plants prefer an abundance of sunlight, with the exception of the blood-red variety, which blooms best in beds in partial shade.
  • Soil Type: Flowers thrive in normal plant soil. The pH level should be between 4.5 and 6.5.
  • Humidity level: moderate.
  • Watering: plentiful.

Description: a special genus of perennials and annuals, which includes many varieties. Some of them are of particular value as garden flowers. Some species, such as elegant, brilliant lobelia, are among the best autumn flowers. Although quite hardy, these plants are intolerant of excessive moisture and require cover for the winter in most areas. It is best for them to winter in a cool room, and they should be planted in April. Although they are intolerant of excessive moisture during dormancy, they are in dire need of it during active growth. Lobelia, growing seedlings of which is a rather time-consuming task, prefers the following landing sites: close proximity to lakes or streams. In this case, better results will be obtained than when kept in mixborders.

Propagation: When propagated in early spring, they can be divided into single rosettes, and soon they can be planted as mature plants, as soon as the weather warms up. Lobelia, which is easy to grow from seeds, prefers planting on the warm days of February.

Application: used for decorative purposes. Ampelous lobelia, the cultivation of which does not require special conditions of detention, can be used as a decoration for balconies, gardens, containers, etc.

The most common types of these plants are:

Lobelia brilliant – Lobelia Splendens

It is an outstanding and precious species for a flower garden. Its leaves are narrow and long, and the pedicels are taller and thicker than, for example, the blood-red variety. The flowers of the plant are large with rounded petals. The most famous and beautiful form of this species is named Queen Victoria. Its leaves are deep purple and the flowers are a brilliant crimson red.

The Firefly variety is the most beautiful of this group and was bred in Ireland. In rich, good soil, its height reaches one and a half meters, and the shade of flowers is the richest and brightest. The Huntsman is a different variety and is brighter in color than the Firefly. Many hybrids have been obtained from it. They vary greatly in color and growth patterns. Free flowering plants are very valuable in the autumn garden, giving it a brilliant effect until the first frost. Also of particular interest is the Ignea variety, which has broader leaves and more voluminous flowers.

Lobelia syphilitica – Lobelia Syphilitica

These are variable species, not as showy, growing well in moist soils. It tolerates winter well and abounds in varieties ranging from purples and purples to pinks and even whites.

For the garden, this species is not of particular value. By crossing with brilliant species, various hybrids have been obtained, but they are not so spectacular. This variety can be immediately distinguished by its beautiful violet-purple flowers. This variety can be used in mixborders. In winter, it can be left unattended, and in the spring the plant can be divided or transplanted. The flower received such an unpleasant name because in ancient times it was used in the treatment of the disease of the same name.

Lobelia blood red – Lobelia Cardinalis

This plant is one of the rarest and most beautiful of its kind. The brilliant effect produced by a flower in the autumn due to its bunches will compensate for any problems that may arise even despite all the complexity and sophistication of its cultivation: it is so beautiful. This lobelia prefers swampy areas.

It was first discovered in wetlands in North America. This flower is perennial. Lobelia blood red is not as susceptible to disease as other species and their hybrids. Grown in a regular border, it usually has a faint stunted appearance, but in rich soil, in a shady location with the right level of humidity, profusely flowering plants from 90 to 130 cm in height can be found. The color of the flowers is usually bright scarlet. Flowering continues for quite a long time, and during this period the flower needs special care. Experts mention that there were cases when the shade of flowers was pink or even white, but this is a rarity. This species is characterized by increased endurance, is able to endure the winter in open beds and does not need cover. Its foliage is shorter and greener than, for example, shiny lobelia, the flower is also smaller, but there are more of them in number.

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