Iresin Herbst flower

Iresine is a genus of perennial tropical and subtropical plants of the amaranth family (Amaranthaceae). Some species, distinguished by their ornamental foliage, are grown indoors or in gardens as annuals.

  • Family: amaranth.
  • Homeland: America, Australia, Antilles and Galapagos Islands.
  • Rhizome: The root system is superficial.
  • Stem: straight or curly.
  • Leaves: petiolate, oval or rounded.
  • Fruit: box.
  • Reproductive capacity: propagated by cuttings.
  • Illumination: light-requiring.
  • Watering: plentiful in summer, limited in winter.
  • Content temperature: 18-30 °С in summer, 12-14 °С in winter.
  • Flowering time: summer, rarely blooms indoors.

Description and photo of the irezina flower

The genus includes about 80 species of herbs, shrubs, less often shrubs or trees. Compact, not higher than 60 cm, plants with erect or curly stems and opposite long-petioled leaves of a rounded, elliptical, broadly lanceolate shape, entire or acutely serrate.

Irezina in the photo

In a pot culture, they rarely bloom. Irezina flowers are not of decorative value, they are small, white or greenish, collected in spike-shaped or capitate inflorescence. Flowers may be bisexual or dioecious, some plants are dioecious. In some species, the inflorescences resemble garlands of woolen threads in shape, which determined the name of the genus, which comes from the Greek word eiros, which means “wool” in translation.

The plant is valued in decorative floriculture for the varied color of leaves and stems, in most species it is red-burgundy, with clearly visible red veins on the leaves. There are also green, yellow and variegated varieties. Grown as indoor culture , including in ampelous form. It lends itself well to a haircut, with which you can form bushes of arbitrary shape.

Rapid growth and ease of propagation by cuttings make it possible to use the irezina flower as a heat-loving annual, using it to create bright borders, and also as a ground cover. The culture requires heat and good lighting, with a lack of light it stretches, the color of the leaves turns pale.

Decorative types and varieties of irezina

Below are descriptions and photos of iresina of the most commonly grown species and varieties.

Irezina Herbst (I. Herbstii) – up to 60 cm high, with soft red stems and heart-shaped leaves up to 8 long and up to 5 cm wide, bright red, decorated with lighter veins. In the variety Briilliantissima, the leaves are slightly curled inwards, have a bright purple color and a clear pattern of pink-red veins, the garden form Aureo-reticulata has leaf plates with contrasting green and white stains. The well-known variety of irezin Wallis (I.herbstii var.wallisii Ort.) is characterized by strong tillering, compactness and red-brown leaves of a rounded shape. All varieties and forms can be grown in an annual crop in open ground.

Irezina Linden (I. Lindenii) – undersized, up to 40 cm, with pointed oval or lanceolate leaves, red or red-brown. There are varieties: f. emersonii with red stems and petioles, green leaves with yellow veins, f. Formosa, in which the leaf plates are red with a bronze sheen or yellow-green with red veins.

Irezina pointed (I. acuminata) , with peaked leaves, differs little in appearance from the Brilliantissima form and is used in decorative floriculture in the same way.

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