Interesting facts about the most popular flowers

HomeGarden FlowersInteresting facts about the most popular flowers

It would not be an exaggeration to say that everyone likes flowers: let’s be honest – not only the fairer sex love to admire beautiful bouquets or lovingly grown flowers in pots. In addition to photos of beautiful flowers, other information is often searched on the Internet. For example, interesting facts about flowers excite no less number of users. You can read the most interesting about the colors of different countries of the world in the material on this page.

A flower is the reproductive organ of angiosperms. It is formed from a special escape. The green sepals and corolla of petals protect the stamens and pistil. The stamens are the male parts of the flower, and the pistil is the female part, it includes the ovary, style and stigma. The stamens produce pollen, which enters the ovary, where fertilization occurs and a seed is formed. From the ovary, a fruit is formed that protects the seed and contributes to its spread. Animals eat the fruit along with the seed, which then falls into the ground and germinates. In addition, seeds can be carried by the wind. One of the interesting facts about flowers is that there are plants with only stamens or only pistils. Such flowers produce a sweet nectar that attracts birds and insects that carry pollen from flower to flower.

Firebird flowers

This beautiful creation of nature is called “firebird flower” or “bird of paradise” , and in its homeland, in South Africa, it is called “crane”. Flowers 15 cm high really somewhat resemble birds. They bloom in spring or summer and bloom for several weeks.

The most interesting thing about these flowers is that they have no smell at all, but the nectar literally overflows the flower and flows down its edges.

There are many beautiful exotic flowers in the world: magnificent roses , and carnations with many petals, and fancy orchids , and an unusual firebird flower. The flowers that adorn our meadows every summer are also amazing: cornflowers and daisies , bluebells and tansy. These flowers are called – meadow. They color nature and our mood. Above them butterflies flutter and bees buzz.

meadow flowers bluebells

Meadow flowers bluebells always look down. This helps protect the pollen and nectar from the rain. The fruits-boxes are also located.

In dry weather, seeds fall out through their numerous holes with gusts of wind. But as soon as it starts to rain, the holes are immediately closed and the seeds receive additional protection from dampness. Bluebells are the most popular flowers when composing bouquets from meadow plants.

popular flowers tulips

As soon as the snow melts, tulips appear in the flower beds, which are among the first to bloom. They grow throughout Eurasia, although their homeland is the steppes and mountains of Central Asia. Wild tulips are low, their flowers are most often solitary. In nature, they grow in dry places and bloom in spring when there is enough moisture. People cultivated these amazing flowers and brought out many varieties.

As you can see in the photo of these popular flowers, garden tulips are very diverse in color and shape.

Even a black tulip was bred, which became the “hero” of the novel of the same name by Alexandre Dumas. This flower is actually a very dark purple color.

The fringed tulip has a needle-like fringe along the edges of the petals, resembling frost. It was withdrawn in 1930.

In the wild, the Gesner tulip is rare. However, it is used with pleasure for decorating gardens and flower beds.

Tulips bloom in early spring, but with the onset of heat, their flowers fall off, and the leaves and stems dry up. However, the life of the plant continues underground – in the bulb. When cool autumn comes, the bulb develops a new root system, and the next spring a new flower grows from it. And then, at the ends of the shoots, small bulbous “babies” appear, which give life to new flowers.

The stem, flower, leaves and roots of a tulip are annuals, but the bulb lives for 2.5 years.

Holland is famous for its garden tulips, which have long been bred and sold there. At the beginning of the XVII century. the Dutch were so carried away by tulips that everyone wanted to bring out a flower of a new unusual color. And today millions of various tulips are cultivated in this country. They bloom in April and early May, delighting everyone with their beauty.

Exotic orchid flowers

It is generally accepted that orchids are exotic flowers from South America, Australia and China.

Without exaggeration, these are the most beautiful flowers in the world, combining exquisite aristocracy with simplicity of color. Orchids also grow in our meadows. Among them there are creepers living on tree trunks, and ordinary herbs. But the structure of the flower unites them all. Its stamens grow together with each other and the pistil in a single column. And one of the six petals is different from the rest and is called the “lip”. Each species and variety has a very different color, with unusual patterns and spots. It is the lip that attracts pollinators – insects and hummingbirds.

Lady’s slippergrowing in our meadows is also an orchid. It does not produce nectar, but it attracts bees with bright colors.

When an insect sits on a flower, it immediately falls inside. Nothing bad happens to it there, but while it gets out, pollen sticks to it. Getting on another flower, the bee pollinates it.

The most interesting flowers of the world: cattleyas

The existence of cattleya in Europe was not suspected until the 19th century. Then it was believed that tropical orchids were parasites growing on other trees, and it was impossible to breed them in the north.

For samples of these most interesting flowers of the world, many hunters went to South America, risking their lives. In 1817, the British botanist William Swanson found a new species of orchid in Brazil, sent it to Glasgow and asked that the plant be given to William Cattleya, a famous flower lover. Cattleya managed in 1818 to grow one flower in his greenhouse, which was named after him – “Cattleya”.

Capricious risintella flower

Not all orchids are epiphytes, so they have long been learned to grow in greenhouses in northern countries. Over the years, many new varieties have been bred. Today, many people grow orchids at home. In order for the plant to grow well, it needs light, but in the scorching sun the leaves turn yellow. If there is not enough light, then they become dark green. Therefore, orchids must be properly cared for so that they can maintain their beauty.

Rysentella is an Australian orchid that blooms underground.

The capricious rizinthella flower breaks through the soil only at the very end of flowering and appears on the surface to form a fruit and throw seeds into the soil. Pollination of the plant occurs underground, and, most likely, beetles do this.

The most popular flowers for bouquets are roses

The beauty of roses has been sung by poets and artists for many centuries. Roses are the most popular flowers for bouquets, in addition, this brush adorns the coats of arms of many countries. Even in antiquity, roses were grown as ornamental plants. Philosopher and naturalist Theophrastus in 300 BC. described roses with 15, 20 and 100 petals. Today there are from 10,000 to 50,000 varieties and hybrids of roses. And all this splendor originates from a wild rose – wild rose, which is also called a dog rose. Garden roses are still grafted onto rose hips, and they gain its endurance.

The wild rose is a shrub, but some specimens live so long that they already look like trees. The oldest dog rose grows in the German city of Hildesheim. Its height reaches 13 m, and the trunk at the base has a diameter of 0.5 m. It is believed that it is not less than 400 and not more than 1000 years old.

rose hips have 5 petals, while cultivated terry roses can have 128. Terry flowers are called with stamens and pistils, which have turned into peculiar petals, of which they have more than 20. Flowers with 8-20 petals are semi-double. “Cultural” roses cannot reproduce by pollination; they are bred only by cuttings, that is, shortened shoots.

The War of the Roses is the name given in England for many years to the struggle for royal power between the dynasties of York and Lancaster. The coat of arms of the Lancasters was a scarlet rose, and the Yorks a white one. The winner, Henry Tudor, heir to the Lancasters, married a York heiress. As a sign of the unification of the two dynasties, he made his coat of arms a double rose – red and white.

Despite the thousand-year history of this flower in Europe, where Damascus, white and hundred-petal roses have long been known, at the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th centuries. their breeding received a new impetus. Then it was possible to cross a European frost-resistant rose and an evergreen heat-loving rose from Southeast Asia. These flowers were especially beautiful and had remontant, that is, they could bloom many times a year. The hybrids turned out to be very successful and became the basis for many other varieties.

water lily flowers

Water is essential for all living things. Usually plants get it from the soil, but there are many species in lakes, rivers and swamps that simply cannot live on land. Their roots and stems are immersed in water, and broad leaves lie on its surface. Such plants – water lilies – are called “hydatophytes”. Reeds, reeds and cattails grow along the banks of river reservoirs. Their roots need more moisture than ordinary plants, and they are called “hydrophytes”.

Water lily flowers are related to the Egyptian lotus. In ancient Egypt, it was considered a sacred flower, a symbol of fertility. The walls and columns of temples and palaces were decorated with his image.

Water lily tetrahedral grows in middle latitudes. She got her name because the base of her cup is quadrangular, and the corners are bent down.

false reed

A plant with beautiful, velvety, brown cobs is considered by many to be reeds. But in fact, it is a cattail.

Reed belongs to the sedge family, and cattail is the only genus of the cattail family. The reed looks different: it has thick, long panicles.

False reeds are not only beautiful, but also useful. A salad is made from its young shoots, flour is made from its rhizomes, and a drink is prepared from the roots that resembles coffee in color. In addition, medicinal decoctions are brewed from the plant. You can even make paper out of cattail!

Interesting facts about Victoria regia flowers

Victoria regia , or Victoria Amazonian, is considered the largest water lily in the world. Its diameter can reach 2 m and withstand a pressure of 50 kg. The underside of the leaf of the plant has sharp spikes that protect it from fish.

The plant grows in South America, on the Amazon River and its tributaries. The flower got its name in the 19th century. in honor of the English Queen Victoria, and “regia” in Latin means “royal”.

An interesting fact about Victoria Regia flowers is that they can change their color. This giant water lily blooms through the night, alternately, and its flowers are either light pink, almost white, or red.

The most interesting about jasmine flowers

It may seem surprising, but jasmine belongs to the same olive family as the olive. Unlike this tree, jasmine is a shrub. With its beautiful white and yellow flowers, it is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant and decoration, and is also used in cooking.

Mock orange with fragrant flowers is incorrectly called jasmine, because it belongs to a different family.

Jasmine officinalis , or real (white), grows in the south of Europe, in the Caucasus, in India and in China. Fragrant oil is made from its flowers.

Indian jasmine , or sambac, is the national flower of the Philippines, known there as “sampagita”, and Indonesia, where it is called “melati”.

Large-flowered jasmine comes in the form of shrubs and vines. The most interesting thing about these flowers is that jasmine is added to tea to give it a special flavor.

Jasmine tea was first brewed in medieval China during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). In fact, this tea, of course, is not pure jasmine, but ordinary green or white. Flowers are added to add flavor.

Jasmine in the East is considered the king of flowers, and its very name comes from the Persian word “yasmin” – “fragrant flower”. In India and many countries of Southeast Asia, it symbolizes youth and beauty. And therefore, jasmine flowers serve as part of the bride’s wedding dress, and these can be both fresh flowers and artificial ones, strung in a garland along with roses.

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