Growing garden cannes

HomeGarden FlowersGrowing garden cannes

Canna is a herbaceous perennial plant, loved by many gardeners for its decorative effect. Its flowering lasts from the summer months until frost. All this time, bright flowers with lush leaves delight the eye, decorate the garden plot, make it very elegant. Cannes can be planted in the garden in groups, singly, as well as in flower beds in combination with other smaller plants. The flower looks beautiful against the background of a green lawn, along the alley and around the pond. In the flowerbeds it is placed in the center, annuals , marigolds , undersized dahlias , cineraria and other flowers are planted in the neighborhood.

When making a large area, it is recommended to plant varietal cannes with tall stems. Varieties should be selected according to the height of the bushes, the color of flowers and leaves.

The following varieties are recognized as the most suitable for planting in the garden:


“Louis Cayo”;



Feuer Vogel;

“Crimean Gem”;

“Suevia” and many others.

When choosing a variety, it is important to take into account the climatic features of the region. Modern varieties and types of cannes make it possible to grow them in central Russia. With proper care, the canna in the garden takes root well and blooms for a long time.

Despite its exotic origin, the culture is unpretentious, and the conditions for its cultivation of cannes are in many ways reminiscent of the cultivation of cucumbers. Garden cannes should be planted in a well-lit place, as the flower is photophilous. The site must be protected from wind and drafts, which can harm the fragile plant.

Planting cannes in the garden

Before planting, the rhizomes are divided – this work can be started in late March – early April. Rhizomes are carefully examined, spoiled ones are removed, only healthy ones with 1-2 buds are left. After that, they are placed for germination in a greenhouse or boxes that are stored at home or on a loggia. When the sprouts stretch up to 8 cm and leaves form on them, they are separated from the rhizome and planted in pots one or more, choosing containers of the appropriate size. The soil mixture is made up of leaf soil or a mixture consisting of greenhouse soil and rotted manure, in a ratio of 1: 2. Pots are placed in a warm, sunny place where the temperature is 17 – 19 ° C. Landing in the ground is carried out only when the threat of return frosts has passed. The most optimal temperature for plant development ranges from 5 to 23 ° C. The soil should be well warmed, loose, light and nutritious.

Planting pits are dug out with a size of 60X30 cm. At the bottom, rotted manure is laid with a layer of 20 – 30 cm. A mixture of earth and humus, and pebbles are covered from above. After that, the soil is moistened, the rhizome is laid in the pit, deepening it by 15–20 cm, and covered with rotted manure. After planting, the plant is abundantly watered with warm water. When planting, it is important to consider that cannes flowers in the garden should be planted at a distance of 50 – 90 cm from each other and other plants, as they grow quickly and take up a lot of space. With a dense planting, the distance can be 30 – 40 cm. Usually, the garden canna begins to bloom 1.5 – 2.5 months after planting. It is recommended to cut the first inflorescences, this will contribute to the development of the root system and a good growth of new rhizomes.

Garden canna care

A planted plant requires regular care. During the summer, it needs to be watered and loosened. In order for flowering to be plentiful, it is better to use water at room temperature for irrigation. Faded inflorescences should be removed in a timely manner, preventing fruits from setting. This will help keep the decorative bushes longer. In August, the amount of watering is reduced to a minimum.

Once a month it is necessary to fertilize with mineral fertilizers. By the beginning of morning frosts (in September), the bushes should be highly piled up to prevent freezing of the root neck. After the first frosts, the rhizomes are dug out together with an earthen clod, the stems are cut, leaving 12–15 cm in height. The rhizomes are dried in the fresh air and cleaned in plastic bags (with holes for air access) or in wooden boxes, covered with a layer of sawdust or sand. Store in a cool place at 3-5°C.

When growing cannes in the garden, the grower sometimes encounters the fact that the plant is damaged by aphids, spider mites, rust, and nematodes. Dashed and ring spots may appear on the leaves. If diseases and pests are found, the same measures should be taken to eliminate them as for other flower crops. Usually, with proper care, this plant is affected very rarely.

It is noteworthy that growing canna flowers in the garden allows you to know the weather forecast in advance. This tropical plant tends to get rid of excess moisture by releasing it on the leaf plate. Therefore, if drops of water are found on the leaves in the morning, it means that the air humidity is increased, and it is likely that it will rain during the day or at night.

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