Golden mustache (Callisia fragrans) – indoor flower

HomeAll flowers that start with CGolden mustache (Callisia fragrans) - indoor flower

Plant type: perennial.

Origin: Mexico.

Golden mustache (Callisia fragrans) – indoor flower

Caring for this plant is easy.

  • Growing environment: home, greenhouse or garden.
  • Humidity level: moderate.
  • Aroma: present.

Description: Slow growing perennial with 15-25 cm waxy foliage arranged alternately. The bases of the leaves are very close and overlap each other, which gives the impression that it is all one rosette of foliage. The bases of the leaves are very close and overlap each other, which gives the impression that it is all one rosette of foliage. If the climate is mild, then the golden mustache is perfect as a plant covering an empty area. Often this perennial is mistaken for a weed. In height, the golden mustache grows up to 30 cm, and in width it grows by 60-120 cm.

Foliage: Has a slightly purple hue on the inside, and on the outside this color appears in bright light.

Flowering: in spring. Golden mustache has a different frequency of flowering: it all depends on the climate of your region. The flowers of the plant are formed in groups and have a white tint. Often they appear in threes at the tops of the stems. The most abundant flowering is observed in a warm subtropical climate.

Temperature regime: when growing indoors, it is desirable that the temperature does not fall below 0 degrees. With moderate watering, the golden mustache tolerates dry, hot weather.

Lighting: partial shade or shade. If you want the foliage of the flower to have a purple tint, then place it in a place where there is full sunlight. In bright light, the flower grows on the ground, and if the location is shady, then it usually grows upwards.

Soil: Golden mustache, which is easy to care for, germinates best in well-drained soil. To ensure good drainage, add sand or perlite. Loams are excellent as soil.

Fertilizers: For spectacular flowering and faster growth, regularly apply organic fertilizers to the soil. If you buy top dressing, then make sure that they contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Watering: the soil should be moist, but not firebox. The most important thing is not to water too much, and also not to allow the plant to be in water for a long time. It is best to water the flower in the morning.

Flowering golden mustache in the natural environment in the photo

Reproduction: carried out by planting seeds or division. If you decide to reproduce the golden mustache from seeds, then collect the seeds and store them in an envelope in a dry, cool place until planting.

If you decide to reproduce the golden mustache from seeds, then collect the seeds and store them in an envelope in a dry, cool place until planting. You need to plant in moist soil, and the location should be sunny, but the rays should be indirect.

Planting: Rooted plants should be planted 5-7 cm deeper than any other flowers. To avoid mistakes, plant the golden mustache within 2 cm of the first leaves to appear. You need to plant in moist soil, and the location should be sunny, but the rays should be indirect. Golden mustache, which will be difficult to transplant, is best planted immediately in a large, deep container. But if you still decide to transplant the plant, then this should be done in the spring.

Pests: Mealy worms, spider mites and plant aphids may appear.

Golden mustache – application

Mainly used for planting in containers and hanging baskets. Golden mustache, the use of which is quite wide, is also used in medicine. For pharmaceutical purposes, it is used in Europe and Russia. The biological substances contained in the plant are able to fight many types of infection, stimulate the metabolic process, and also increase the level of immunity.

Additionally: mulching the soil with leaves or tree bark will have a positive effect. The golden mustache, which is not so difficult to grow, will grow rapidly if the overgrown stems are cut off. Flowering will be more spectacular if dead flowers are constantly removed. Spray the flower with warm water, but make sure that it does not contain lime.

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