Ficus pot

Ficus refers to those types of plants for which it practically does not matter what material the pot will be made of. The main thing is that this material does not have chemical effects on the substrate contained in it and the ficus pot looks aesthetically pleasing in accordance with the interior of the room.

Traditionally, vessels made of clay, plastic and wood are used, and the choice depends on the preferences, tastes and capabilities of the grower. But at the initial stage, for growing an individual that has just begun to develop, it is preferable to use clay containers that are not covered with glaze, since they pass moisture and air well. At the same time, you should not place ficuses in clay pots on sunny windowsills, since the clay tends to heat up very much, which leads to a general increase in temperature in the pot, which not only contributes to the drying of the substrate, but also to the withering of the plant.

Standard products are suitable for young individuals, and adults (over 3-5 years old) will need large, several tens of liters of containers such as a wooden tub, a large plastic container or a large flowerpot. It is necessary to select a pot for ficus, taking into account the shape, size and type of plant.

The shape of the pot for the vast majority of varieties and types of ficus is ideally suited to the standard form, with a height close in value to the diameter. But there are cases when preference is given to vessels of a different shape. An example of this are flat pots , bowls and plastic containers with a side height of at least 10 cm, used for growing trees using elements of the bonsai method that is popular today, for which many types and varieties of ficus are perfect.

Ficus pot sizes

It is selected based on the size and degree of development of the root system of the plant that is supposed to be planted. The ficus pot should not be too loose. It is recommended to choose a vessel, always with a lower drainage hole, in which the roots of the plant do not reach the walls of the vessel by about 1.5-2 cm. You also need to take into account that at the bottom of the vessel it is necessary to equip drainage from expanded clay or brick chips. When transplanting young or developing ficus individuals, the pot should be 2-3 cm in diameter larger than the previous container.

In the process of plant formation, it is possible to reduce the volume of the vessel, in which case careful pruning of the roots is necessary, accompanied by pruning and crown formation.

You can not plant a ficus in a pot that is too spacious for it. As a rule, this leads to undesirable consequences, such as acidification of the soil in the vessel that is not inhabited by the root system and, as a result, rotting of the roots, often leading to the death of the plant. Also, there are types of ficus for which a spacious container is simply contraindicated.

Since the ficus is a large plant, and in natural conditions some of its species grow up to 10-15 m tall, the size of the container can serve as a tool for adjusting the limits of growth. Keeping an individual in a vessel close to its root system will stop the growth of the above-ground part of the plant.

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