Exacum related (Exacum affine) – indoor flower

HomeAll flowers that start with EExacum related (Exacum affine) - indoor flower

Plant type: annual.

Description: This is a magnificent annual plant that forms a large number of bright blue flowers, colored yellow in the center. Belongs to the gentian family. Exakum is not hardy to cold temperatures, and therefore it is usually grown as an annual in summer in many regions, and in cool climates, this plant is often grown at home. The plant itself is roundish, and usually reaches a height of 15 to 30 cm.

  • Origin: South Yemen.
  • Aroma: present.
  • Care: easy.
  • Growing environment: greenhouse, garden or indoor conditions.
  • Temperature regime: at night the ideal temperature is 15.6 – 18.3 degrees, and during the day 21 ° C.
  • Humidity level: moderate.

Foliage: This annual has small, heart-shaped leaves that can reach up to 4 cm. When grown under ideal conditions, the leaves will be densely packed on the stems and the flowers will be abundant.

Exakum flowering period at home in the photo.

Flowering: Exacum related has a blue tint of flowers, they are about 1 cm in size, the shape resembles a star. These annuals usually bloom profusely for several months. In general, there are many varieties, and you can also find flowers that are white or lavender. Biennial plants have also been found in this family, but they are usually grown for no more than one year.

Lighting: partial shade. If you are growing exacum indoors, then bright sunlight coming through the curtains is quite suitable. It is best if the sun’s rays come from the south or west.

Soil type: Perlite and peat moss should be present in the composition of the soil. The soil must be neutral. Choose well-drained soil.

Landing: if you plant exacum in the garden, then the distance between plants should be from 15 to 30 cm.

Watering: exacum, which is easy to care for, requires constant abundant watering. You can water the flower with rainwater, but be careful as it may contain acids. Use warm water.

Fertilizer: Fertilize preferably every two weeks. Use a water soluble fertilizer.

Pests and Diseases: May be affected by spider mites and plant aphids. Be careful when buying a plant. Inspect it thoroughly for harmful insects.

Propagation: If you are going to reproduce exacums, then it is better not to do this with cuttings. As practice shows, the best method is planting seeds. If you want an annual to flower in the summer, then the seeds should be planted in the winter, or you can plant the seeds in the spring for fall and winter flowering. Seeds need to be grown at a temperature of 21-24 °C. The first shoots will appear in 15-30 days. When the seeds germinate and you see the first leaves, the seedlings should be transplanted into large pots. It is best to choose pots about 10 cm wide. For better development, sprouts need to be fertilized until flower buds appear. Then you can combine several sprouts into one large pot. If you want a beautiful ornamental plant, then it is recommended to combine 5 flowers in one pot 21 cm wide.

Application: These flowers look great in borders, and they are also grown at home . In addition, these annuals are often grown in containers. Indoor Exakum is an unpretentious plant that does not require special care, the main thing is regular watering and proper lighting.

Optional: spray the exacum with warm water from time to time. Make sure that it does not contain lime, so you will avoid corrosion of the foliage.

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