Eremurus (Eremurus) – self-planting, care and cultivation

HomeAll flowers that start with EEremurus (Eremurus) - self-planting, care and cultivation

Plant type: perennial.

Origin: Asia.

Description: This tall, majestic, aristocratic plant belongs to a group that includes 35-40 deciduous perennials whose strong rhizomes grow in all directions from the central root. These hardy perennials were first discovered in Western and Central Asia. In late spring or early summer, compact spikes of small snow-white, light pink, copper, bright yellow or orange flowers form a long spike that can reach a height of 3.5 m above the foliage. The height of the ears varies depending on the species. The brush-shaped flowers can bloom for several weeks, and they last quite a long time as cut flowers. Eremurus form rosettes of graceful, bright green leaves in the form of a strap.

Eremurus – care

Soil type: Eremurus, which is easy to care for, grows well in soil of any composition. The soil can be either neutral or acidic. It is advisable to pick up loams, as well as enrich them with peat. The soil must be well drained. In addition, add well-rotted manure and plenty of sand. This combination will be the best for eremurus.

  • Lighting: full sun.
  • Temperature regime: it should be noted that eremurus requires winter cold for subsequent flowering.
  • Humidity level: moderate.
  • Watering: do not let the flower dry out.

Eremurus – landing

Location: choose a warm place for the eremurus, where it will be protected from strong winds. Moreover, remember that the flower does not need to be disturbed, divided or replanted. Do this only if absolutely necessary. The best time for planting is early autumn.

Eremurus roots close-up in the photo.

Eremurus, which is planted in a dug hole, must have a straightened root system so that it is not squeezed. The top of the plant should be 10-15 cm above the ground.

Eremurus – cultivation

For the best growth of eremurus, it is recommended to mulch the soil with dried straw in early winter. Eremurus, the cultivation of which is not difficult, begins to grow in the spring, when the frosts may not have ended yet. It is during this period that the flower can be damaged. To avoid this, cover the sprouts overnight until the weather is warm. To do this, it is best to use a wooden box or a large pot for houseplants. Fill them with straw until the weather is warm. This method should be practiced only at times when frost is likely to occur, and as soon as this danger is gone, the pot or box should be removed, as the plant may rot.

In the summer, when the foliage dies, you need to remember the place where the eremurus grows in order to avoid damage during the dormant period.

Propagation: carried out by planting seeds as soon as they ripen in the fall. Planting is best in pots. Shoots appear for a long time, and the first shoots may appear within one month to a year. The temperature should be 15 degrees. As soon as the seedlings are strong enough that you can handle them, transplant each of them into separate pots and grow in this way until the first winter. They should be planted in a permanent place of cultivation in late spring, after all frosts have passed. Don’t plant the sprouts too deep. The top of the plant should be slightly visible. The division should be carried out after the eremurus dies off in late summer.

Pests and diseases: make sure that slugs do not appear on the flower, as these pests are very fond of feasting on the young sprouts of the plant.

Application: Eremurus is a representative flower that will adorn your garden, and it looks great when growing among other flowering shrubs.

Eremurus Pinocchio – Eremurus Pinokkio

This flower is very famous among gardeners, and its distinctive feature lies in its bright red flowers. Eremurus pinocchio is a hardy perennial, and it grows to a height of 120 cm.

Eremurus Cleopatra – Eremurus Cleopatra

The flowers of this variety have an orange-pink hue, and they will perfectly decorate your garden. Eremurus cleopatra, like the previous species, reaches a height of about 120 cm. Growing conditions are the same as described above, and make sure that the soil is enriched with nutrients.

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