Douglasia (Pseudotsuga taxifolia) – flowering evergreen coniferous shrub or tree

HomeAll flowers that start with DDouglasia (Pseudotsuga taxifolia) - flowering evergreen coniferous shrub or tree

Douglasia or Pseudotsuga taxifolia is an evergreen coniferous shrub from the genus Pseudotsuga of the pine family. At home in North America, it forms huge forest areas. A valuable source of timber, some varieties are cultivated in gardens as ornamentals .

  • Family: pine.
  • Origin: North America.
  • Rhizome: taproot, powerful.
  • Stem: the trunk is thick, cylindrical.
  • Leaves: Needles are flat, soft.
  • Fruit: cone.
  • Reproductive ability: propagated by seeds, cuttings.
  • Illumination: at a young age it is shade-loving, in mature it is photophilous.
  • Watering: moisture-loving, without stagnant water, drought-resistant in adulthood.
  • Content temperature: frost-resistant.
  • Flowering time: late April – early May.

plant description

A straight or slightly cone-shaped trunk in shaded places is cleared of branches to two-thirds of its height.

The branches are thin, with a large number of lateral branches, raised in young plants, horizontal in adults. Shoots slightly drooping, often pubescent, orange-red at first, later red-brown.

The bark of young trees is thin, gray, with a smooth surface covered with glands with resin; in mature specimens it thickens to 20-30 cm, cut into grooves and deep cracks.

The needles are soft, narrowly lanceolate, flattened, straight or slightly curved, dark or bluish-green above, gray-gray below with a wax coating, 2-3 cm long. When rubbed, it emits a pleasant orange aroma. It stays on the branches up to 8 years, is located comb or spirally.

Douglas in the photo.

It begins to bloom and bear fruit in natural plantings at the age of 10, in culture – after 30 years. Strobili containing spores, dioecious, small, bloom in late April – May. Males look like yellowish spikelets, females look like green-purple cones.

The fruit is a cone that forms at the ends of the shoots, ovoid-cylindrical, 5-12 cm long. As you can see in the photo below, Douglasia has a special cone structure that distinguishes it from other conifers. Cone scales are oval, leathery, covering membranous three-lobed scales with an elongated pointed lobe protrude strongly from under them.

Cones ripen in September of the same year, contain triangular seeds, resinous, up to 7 mm long, light, 1000 pcs. weigh about 8-14 g.

The life span of individual plants is up to 1000 years.

Varieties and common varieties

There are three varieties of Douglas, yew, gray and gray.

Douglassia yew-shaped – coastal form, grows on the Pacific coast, in height is second only to the evergreen sequoia, the tallest tree in the world. Old specimens reach a height of 60-70 m, trunk thickness up to 2 m. There are trees 100-120 m long, trunk thickness up to 6 m. The plant is fast-growing, gives an increase in height up to 40 per year, in width – up to 20 cm.

Douglassia gray comes from the regions of the North American Rocky Mountains, grows more slowly than the previous one, reaches a height of 40-50 m at home, is more cold-resistant and unpretentious, feels good even in the northern regions. The tree looks like a lush blue spruce, sometimes grown in ornamental gardens, where at the age of 35-40 years it has a height of 10-15 m, a trunk diameter of 20-25 cm.

In culture, there are a number of compact, multi-stemmed varieties with bluish-green, bluish-blue needles. We can note the dwarf form of Densa, the flat-topped Compacta, and the drooping variety of Glauca Pendula.

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